S.W.A. WRESTLING has entered a period of inactivity. We currently have zero upcoming events scheduled.
Which begs the question, is the SUFFOLK WRESTLING ALLIANCE, the once SWArevolution, closed? Done? Over?
The answer is complicated...
But, if you remember your S.W.A. history... you'll know that after (then) DIRECTOR OF AUTHORITY Dennis John shut down the company early last year, we returned with two of our biggest shows to date!
SWARise was a big moment for the company, as we introduced an injection of new blood into shows. Brought in a great crowd and gave fans a reason to return.
All's Well That Ends Odd marked an emotional end to the career of Lenn Oddity (maybe) and pushed our new direction, giving the new wrestlers a chance to shine.
So are we done?
Why would we be!

To quench your appetite, while we figure out what's next, we've started #THROWBACKTHURSDAY !
Putting out FREE MATCHES of previously unreleased content. Starting off with FOUR STEEL CAGE MATCHES from our WARGAMES event in August 2013.
"Know where you are going, but remember where you've come from."